Week 2: Corrective Breathing

https://vimeo.com/710310847/5df69f2902 In this Week 2 of Breathing we are covering the different layers of corrective breathing.From how to get the superficial fascia around the lungs to be released and on to the release of the deep fascia responsible for our breathing. I chose to put this component as early in the process as possible, so […]


PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO: Reverse Osmosis System ⇒ FILES: Water Distiller ⇒

UGE 3: Vejrtrækning


Week 3: Postural Assessment

https://vimeo.com/710308636/a3af37d143 In this session you will learn about which points to consider when correcting your posture.You will learn the importance of the relationship between the tense areas and the weak areas in your body and how to assess and correct them. We will also get around the first level of corrective exercises, that serves the […]

Vejrtrækning for lang levetid

PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO: Nasal Strips ⇒ Nasal Dilators have been replaced with Nasal Strips due to increased efficacy and comfort, and to avoid prolonged skin contact with its plastic content. 10-Week Course ⇒ FILES:

Vejrtrækning for lang levetid

PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO: Nasal Strips ⇒ Nasal Dilators have been replaced with Nasal Strips due to increased efficacy and comfort, and to avoid prolonged skin contact with its plastic content. 10-Week Course ⇒ FILES:

Week 4: Corrective Exercising

https://vimeo.com/710454203/39d60496e0 My thoughts behind creating this section were to upgrade the level of corrective exercises from the last week.This would be the last and highest level of corrective exercises, which would be needed for your body to adjust and activate. You should, by now, feel better and more loose so that the benefits of the […]

UGE 5: Korrigering af kropsholdning

INTRODUCTION Information: Now that we begin accessing corrective training from this week and forward, I will add a few notes to the general recommendations about duration, frequency, sets and reps of exercise. As there’s no Golden Rule, I will suggest, generally speaking, to rarely take more than 3 repetitions of an exercise. Rather keep the […]

Week 5: Mobility

https://vimeo.com/712491399/e71247db59 My methodology and philosophy behind mobility training is functionality and fluidity in the system.When wanting to become more flexible a point to consider should always be: does this make me a better mover? There exist a wide variety of mobility approaches, but the single one that you should aim for should be the one […]