EMF Protection Blanket


(Lav lagerbeholdning)

MT Performance’s EMF Protection Blanket er et gennemdesignet tæppe i to lag af sølvfibre og blødt økologisk bomuld. Det indre lag er lavet af højdensitet forsølvet stof med god tæthed og blød håndfølelse. Dette er den del af tæppet, der effektivt afskærmer 99,99% skadelig elektromagnetisk stråling.

Tæppet er enormt praktisk og kan bruges overalt i enhver given situation. Eksempler indebærer beskyttelse af vitale organer under f.eks. computerbrug, mobiltelefonbrug, heldækning af babyer og småbørn, mavedækning til gravide kvinder, eller blot som beskyttelsesbeholder for strålingskilder såsom din smartphone.

Tæppet beskytter effektivt imod alle former for ikke-ioniserende stråling, såsom 4G, 5G, mobiltelefoner, elledninger, WiFi osv.

Stoffet beskytter ikke kun mod stråling, men er også antibakterielt. Det er derfor ikke nødvendigt at vaske det. Men hvis du gør det, skal du sørge for at vaske det ved en temperatur på højst 30°C, mens du forsigtigt gnider og håndvasker.

På grund af de dyre omkostninger ved sølv er produktionsomkostningerne for dette tæppe høje. Vi har derfor ikke nogen særlig fortjeneste på dette produkt.
Vores tæpper er blevet laboratorietestet for at bekræfte deres effektivitet. Testresultater er vedhæftet i produktgalleriet.

Materiale: 100% sølvfibre, 97% økologisk bomuld, 3% spandex.
Størrelse: 90*75 cm.
Farve: Sort og sølv.
Vægt: 270 g.
Afskærmningseffekt: 99,99%



Travel to the lower part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and you’ll find radiation emitting sources such as cellphones, televisions, power lines, WiFi, microwaves etc. Somewhere in the middle of that spectrum are the visible light, infrared light and UV light; all considered to be safe.

However, the exponential increase of the lower-emitting sources is happening faster than research can keep up with. There is no longer any ‘safe spot’ in your city, or even in your home, where you can rest without being exposed to some type of radiation.

Some electromagnetic radiation gives an abundance of positively loaded ions. Despite the name, they are anything but positive. Chronic exposure of an overload of positive ions is linked to disease, accelerated aging and impaired immune function, and may give expression as headaches, tension and dizziness.

This is the diametrical opposite mechanism of what occurs in nature, which is providing you with an abundance of negatively loaded ions, that oppositely regenerates the body, hence why nature battles and counteracts electronics and harmful electromagnetic fields.

For unknown reasons, fertility rates are declining with explosive speed, and are now 50% lower than what they were in 1950. Nearly 1 in 8 couples struggles with infertility and men’s testosterone levels have dropped at least 20% in the last 20 years.

Since science is yet to provide us with a definitive answer to this, we can only hypothesize about the exact cause.
One of the tendencies that has occurred during the last 20 years, which has never happened before in history is the introduction of placing a cellphone a few centimeters from the reproductive organs for numerous hours a day.

We are the guinea pigs.

Learn more about how to protect yourself from harmful EMF’s here


*De viste priser inkluderer 25% moms, som kun gælder ordrer indenfor EU.
Jf. købsloven indeholder ordrer udenfor EU ikke 25% moms.

Vi sender globalt. Forsendelsesomkostninger indenfor Danmark er omkring 65 DKK, hvor alle andre lande betaler 134 DKK.
All orders are shipped by PostNord. We ship at least three times per week.

Expected delivery time is 1-10 working days depending on your location. Due to the current global situation, delivery duration may vary.


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