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Toe Spacers

23,84 $

Vores Toe Spacers er designet til at understøtte fodens naturlige struktur og funktion for at hjælpe resten af ​​kroppens bevægelse optimalt.
Designet og materialet er ideelt til brug med sko eller barfodet, uanset om du ligger ned og ser tv eller er fysisk aktiv. Silikonen sikrer god komfort ved længere tids brug og gør det muligt for foden at forblive mobil under bevægelse.

De passer til alle fodstørrelser og giver en lang række sundhedsfremmende fordele:

  • Justerer tæer og fodknogler
  • Strækker de dybeste muskler i foden
  • Optimerer fodens ideelle balancepunkt
  • Forbedrer essentielle dele af din bevægelighed og kropsholdning
  • Forbedrer smerte i foden
  • Bidrager til fodens mobilitet, hallux valgus, plantar fasciitis, overlappende tæer og meget mere.

Vores Toe Spacers kommer i et par; en til hver fod.

Materiale: Silikone
Størrelse: One Size – Fits All / Unisex
Farve: Sorte


How the foot approaches ground contact determines how the rest of the body operates in space.

The nervous system receives and delivers information to the feet as a part of the proprioceptive pathway that signals to the body how to respond.

Although we were never designed to wear shoes, the human species adapted to this tendency of covering the foot to protect it from hazards.
But throughout the past decades, this protective concept has converted more into a matter of fashion rather than functionality.

As the foot adapts to its compressed environment, the complex structure of bones move together and alter the balance point of the foot affecting the rest of your posture and biomechanics.

Instead, being barefoot supports the natural state the foot should remain in. Unfortunately, merely being barefoot cannot completely reverse the damage that has accumulated for numerous years of shoe wearing.

Although it is highly recommended to drop the shoes in general, toe spacers will significantly accelerate the process of decompressing the structure of the foot to let it return to its original state.

It’s like wearing braces on your teeth. Only with lasting results that does not require lifetime usage. When the foot has reached its optimal point, there’s no need for you to decompress the foot any longer, unless having gone through a period of intense foot wearing.

The end goal is opening the structure of the foot up to support its most efficient biomechanical standpoint.
Imagine having worn gloves your whole life, so tight that spreading your fingers is difficult, and creating movement in them requires serious effort from you.

It seems silly, doesn’t it? But it’s the same biomechanical damage you’ve chosen to expose your feet to for your entire life.


*De viste priser inkluderer 25% moms, som kun gælder ordrer indenfor EU.
Jf. købsloven indeholder ordrer udenfor EU ikke 25% moms.

Vi sender globalt. Forsendelsesomkostninger indenfor Danmark er omkring 65 DKK, hvor alle andre lande betaler 134 DKK.
All orders are shipped by PostNord. We ship at least three times per week.

Expected delivery time is 1-10 working days depending on your location. Due to the current global situation, delivery duration may vary.


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