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Your Chin Reveals Your Bad Habits

By Mads Tömörkènyi
Published May 10, 2022

Our skulls are out-evolving us.

Skeletal remains show that less than 300 years ago, it was common for humans to have straight, aligned teeth, wide jaws, flat palates, and large nasal passages, which are all signs of healthy breathing patterns.

There is a rapid decline in the development of the mandible structure of modern man compared to the structure of ancient skulls. This change seems to be have been caused by societal habits, that happen from the beginning of a child’s life with the widespread adoption of bottle feeding, processed foods, and an early inability and lack of focus on breathing through the nose. Today, our palates are narrowing in, our jaws have become short and backward grown with insufficient space to properly fit all teeth. We see this more commonly than ever with an epidemiology in braces in children and crooked teeth that don’t know how to fit into a mouth decreasing in size. This evolution results in a domino effect of health-related issues. When our facial structure decreases in size, our necks and jaws become compressed, our airways become constricted, and we end up breathing involuntarily through the mouth.

A retracted chin is often the indicator of facial maldevelopment caused by poor breathing and eating habits, and micronutrient deficiencies.

Often, it leads to the cycle of an inability for the tongue to guide the swallowing process optimally; a weakness that results in the tongue falling to the bottom of the mouth unable to support the neck. This is why forward head posture is a highly interconnected tendency in individuals with this pattern. However, the optimal and innate tongue position is at the soft palate (roof) of the mouth.

Becoming stuck in this cycle tends to lead to obstruction of the nasal cavities. When nasal cavities become obstructed, the natural byproduct is mouth breathing as a results of chronic mild suffocation.

From a nutritional perspective, vitamin D and A are vital for skeletal development by promoting mineral absorption. But without optimal levels of vitamin K2 (MK-4), bone structure and breathing capabilities will be compromised.

When the growth palates in the face don’t calcify prematurely (by ensuring optimal levels of K2), our faces are able to grow wide, cheekbones high and strong, and chin aligned, which can therefore allow for all 32 teeth to fit the human mouth. These are the physical characteristics that defined our ancestors; physical characteristics that also reflect internal health.

K2 rich sources are full fat cheese, liver, butter, egg yolks and meat fats. And we have to be specific when talking about nutrition. K2 is not just K2. The same as vitamin D is not just vitamin D, and mineral water can be thousands of different things. Vitamin K2 MK-4 is the only form that is not the product of bacterial synthesis, but is to be found in animal sources.

— Apart from this, nose breathing, high tongue posture, frequent and proper chewing, and a micronutrient rich diet are all vital parameters for functional development of your face.

Relevant ressources:

[1] J. N. Starkey. Etiology of Irregularities of the Teeth, The Dental Surgeon 4, no. 174 (Feb. 29, 1908): 105–6.

[2] Michael L. Gelb, Airway Centric TMJ Philosophy, CDA Journal 42, no. 8 (Aug. 2014): 551–62,

[3] David Zwickler, Physical and Geometric Constraints Shape the Labyrinth-like Nasal Cavity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Jan. 26, 2018.

[4] Dr. Will, Schlinsog E. Apr. 20, 2020. In Defense of Vitamin K2 MK-4: Dr. Price’s Activator X. The Weston A. Price Foundation. Available:

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