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MT Performance’s Principles of Health

Last updated Dec 18, 2022


1. Do not limit yourself. Limitation diets may benefit your conscience temporarily, but the psychological consequences of living a restricted life outweighs the potential benefits of the diet. Eat mostly good, but allow yourself to not give a **** once in a while.

2. Get as many micronutrients from real food as possible instead of synthetic vitamins. A good idea is to get your blood values tested every 6-12 months.

3. Base your diet on whole, organic, unprocessed foods.

4. Eat mainly from the season and locally.

5. Eat wild, grass-fed, organic nose-to-tail animals. This means muscles, organs (and eggs) etc. from beef, lamb, poultry, pork and so on.
You can eat organ-based supplements if you don’t like the taste of organs. I use and recommend the brand Nordic Kings, who are known for their high Nordic standards of quality and welfare.

6. Avoid factory-farmed animal foods.

7. Don’t eat meat substitutes as it has nothing to do with real food.

8. Avoid genetically modified foods for the same reason.

9. Eat wild (and mainly small) unfarmed fish and oysters from unpolluted waters.

10. Avoid tuna and swordfish as they accumulate large volumes of toxic heavy metals.

11. Consume cod liver oil as a natural source of vitamin D and A + EPA, DHA and GLA. There are many brands out there, but quality wise no one comes near Rosita.

12. Eat full-fat milk products (cheese and butter) from wild, grass-fed, organic cows and goats.

13. Avoid processed and low-fat milk products.

14. Consume only traditional vegetable oils, such as organic extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil.

15. Avoid hydrogenated fats and oils.

16. Eat organic fruits and honey.

17. Prioritize organic vegetables low in defense chemicals, especially if you are prone to autoimmune disease.

18. Lightly cook your vegetables and avoid eating them raw.

19. Use unrefined salt and organic herbs for seasoning.

20. Make your own dressings instead of buying them. Use for instance organic extra virgin olive oil and organic apple cider vinegar.

21. Avoid Teflon toxicity from cooking by only cooking in cast iron or stainless steel.

22. Avoid refined sugar and artificial sweeteners.

23. Avoid white flour, white rice and grains as they are bad for your gut.

24. Avoid or minimize caffeine and alcohol consumption.

25. Avoid aluminum in cooking and containers.

26. Avoid preparing your food in a microwave oven. Use instead a normal oven to reheat on approximately 125°C or in pots/pans etc.

27. Practice fasting regularly for its benefits in mental resilience, autophagy and longevity. A prolonged fasting (PF) once a year can be performed with no consumption but water for 3-5 days. Time restricted feeding (TRF) can be performed on a daily basis, where food intake is limited to a window of 8 hours +/-.


1. Consume 2-4 liters of water on a daily basis depending on your level of activity.

2. Upon waking up, immediately drink 400 ml. of lukewarm water to rehydrate. A slice of organic lemon can be added to the water the night before.

3. Filter your water for drinking and cooking. Never drink tap water to avoid consuming fluoridated water, toxic heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, chlorine etc.

4. If possible, filter also your shower water through a whole-house filter.

5. Natural spring water is the best water on Earth. Go to to see if there are any natural springs near your home.

6. Reverse osmosis (RO) filters can be installed under the sink to filter all the bad substances away from the water supply and add essential minerals back into it. You can also add minerals yourself.

7. For your water consumption to reach your tissues, myofascial releases (MFR) and optimal movement is required to avoid your fascia to become dry and sticky.

8. Hydrate throughout the day instead of the last couple of hours before sleep, unless feeling thirsty or dehydrated. Over-hydration during the late hours will results in a disturbed sleep pattern due to toilet visits at night.


1. Breathe through your nose. The mouth is designed as a backup channel for respiration, hence why mouth is for eating and speaking, and nose for breathing. This will improve HRV, oxygen uptake, boost nitric oxide, filter air absorption and reduce lactic acid buildup.

2. Standard tongue posture should be at the roof of the mouth when it naturally rests. This provides support for the neck and spine, and supports digestion.

3. Until fully adapted to nasal breathing, mouth breathing can be used when absolutely needed, such as during high intense physical activity.

4. Breathe into the abdomen or ribcage instead of the chest. Chest breathing is shallow and associated with a sympathetic response in the nervous system, meaning fight/flight, whereas low breathing is associated with a parasympathetic response, meaning rest/digest.

5. Extended exhalations lower the heart rate and provide control over thought processes. Therefore, this is a good tool for stress, anxiety and to accelerate recovery. Try exhaling for 3 times longer than inhaling.

6. Breathe less and breathe lighter to keep a low heart rate and potentially live longer. A general rule of thumb is 5.5 breaths per minute, meaning 5.5 seconds in and 5.5 seconds out.

7. You should not be able to hear your breath.

8. You should not sigh throughout the day. This is a symptom of over-breathing.

9. Chewing and eating whole, dense foods stimulate the growth of the jaw and mandible, which provides a solid foundation for decompressing your respiratory cavities. Eating soft and processed foods does the opposite.

10. Regularly practice breath retention. This improves the body’s ability to tolerate CO2. Your goal is to be able to “do more with less”.

11. Having the posture similar to a J-shaped spine rather than S-shaped opens up the thorax, which improves your respiratory capabilities.

12. Children er naturally born nose breathers. As a parent, it is your responsibility that it stays that way. Make sure to frequently clean their nostrils, and gently seal their lips together before they fall asleep to ensure nasal breathing throughout the night.

13. Snorring is not a funny concept. It’s a serious condition that can evolve to more severe conditions such as sleep apnea, and is a symptom of mouth breathing.


1. Physical objects can undergo structural deformation, such as compression or decompression. The same applies to the human body. Avoid engaging in activity that compresses you exaggeratedly, as good functionality and elastic potential is found in a decompressed body.

2. Good and painfree movement exists in a body without trauma and restriction. Myofascial release (MFR) is a tool that can remove this type of trauma.

3. During physical activity, breathe into the ribcage to activate the diaphragm. Avoid chest and abdominal breathing here.

4. Resemble the type of movement our ancestors made: running, hunting, gardening etc. This happened through complex movement patterns in the multidimensional plane. Isolated and ‘locked’ exercises in an indoor gym do not resemble these innate patterns.

5. Move barefooted to stimulate the sensory receptors underneath the foot, while stimulating its innate (wide) balance point.


1. Waking up to the sound of an alarm results in an acute spike in blood pressure and fight/flight response as the first thing upon waking up. Avoid that.

2. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day within a margin of ~30 minutes.

3. Upon waking up, immediately hydrate ~400mg water.

4. Consuming caffeine within the first 60-120 minutes upon waking up can cause a ‘caffeine-crash’ later during the day. Therefore, preferably wait at least an hour after waking up to get caffeine.

5. Watching the sunrise will induce a spike in wakefulness that last the entire day.

6. Watching the sunset will enhance melatonin production and lead to deeper sleep.

7. Avoid artificial and blue light within two to three hours prior to bedtime (especially overhead light as it imitates the sun).

8. Keep your bedroom cool at around 18°C. A cooler core temperature is linked to sleepiness. Hot showers and saunas in the evening will accelerate the process of cooling core body temperature.

9. To enhance sleeping, supplement either magnesium L-Threonate, taurinate or glycinate, or a combination. Do this roughly one hour prior to bedtime.

10. Develop a healthy sleep routine with relaxing tools: keep your bedroom entirely free of EMFs if possible. Phone on airplane mode/switched off, no TV or TV unplugged. No engagement in stress, such as checking social media or e-mail at least one hour prior to sleep. Instead, read a book, write, practice breath work or other low-intense activities.


1. Get sunlight exposure as often as possible. To avoid sunburns, alternate between shadow and sun in times of high UV-index.

2. Be grounded as often as possible. This means being barefooted on natural Earth surface, i.e. on grass, the beach, the forrest etc.

3. Interact with nature. Get a pet, do gardening, take a walk in the forrest etc.

4. Practice cold exposure on a daily or weekly basis. The upper temperature limit for cold exposure is 14°C.

5. Practice meditation, which is the absence of thought. This is the most profound plane of mental recovery.

6. Implement the principle of polarity into your daily life. Understand that two opposites in essence are the same thing. Depression-ecstasy, stress-calmness, anxiety-courage. By knowing this, you can suppress the undesired experienced emotion by placing your focus upon its opposite pole.

7. Sound frequencies manipulate brain wave states. This can be for the good or for the bad. To relax and recover, certain sounds frequencies can send you brain into a deeper and more coherent state. These include: 963 Hz, 528 Hz or 432 Hz2

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